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Improving land release in Queensland

Exploration in Queensland is critical for a strong and competitive resources sector. It is a key driver of private sector investment, generating economic growth for our state. Identifying and releasing new areas of land for exploration is an important step in supporting resource companies to make new discoveries and grow the industry.

Recent reviews of Queensland’s land release process identified issues that impact industry and community confidence and, ultimately, the level of investment in Queensland’s exploration sector.

Through the Queensland Resource Industry Development Plan (QRIDP) we committed to improve the approach for the release of land for exploration in Queensland.

In late 2022 we released a discussion paper ‘Improving Queensland’s Land Release Process’ to seek feedback on potential improvement measures. During consultation, feedback was provided via electronic surveys, online submissions, a webinar and through a workshop attended by stakeholders.

Overall feedback indicated the desire for a land release approach that provides greater certainty and transparency – including clear objectives for the land release process, transparency of land release decisions, clarity on frequency and timing, and more meaningful engagement with community and landholders.

We knew it was important to continue to release land while this review process is underway so, with support from industry, we ran an expression of interest (EOI) process for the 2023 Queensland Exploration Program (QEP) and subsequently published a schedule of land release tenders.

Based on feedback from the consultation we have made some initial process improvements through the 2023 QEP. We have included information about the land release process, how land areas submitted through the EOI process have been assessed and selected, and more detail around constraints. Feedback will also be provided to companies on their unsuccessful EOI submissions.

New tender documents and comprehensive guidelines will be available to support industry during the tender process, and a new topic on GeoResGlobe will provide landholders an easier way to see where their property lies in relation to land being released.

These are preliminary changes while we continue to review the findings from the land release review and work on longer-term changes, with consideration being given to the need for certainty around the timing and frequency of future land releases as well as alternative models for the release of land.

Last reviewed 03 July 2024