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Review of accepted development vegetation clearing codes

Some low-risk clearing activities can be undertaken using an accepted development vegetation clearing code. The codes apply to particular vegetation categories and regional ecosystems.

Eight of the 9 accepted development clearing codes have undergone review to ensure they achieve the objectives of the Vegetation Management Act 1999.

To accomplish this, we commissioned independent technical reviews of the codes, based on best practice and the latest science. Our codes were updated to reflect those findings and recommendations, and were further amended with minor updates on 22 November 2023.

Details of the completed reviews are provided below. Contact us for more information, or for property specific advice on codes.

Upcoming consultations

Consistent with the review of all other codes, the native forest practice code is now being reviewed in line with the Queensland Government industry review of forestry in Queensland.

Independent technical reviews are being carried out by the Queensland Herbarium and CSIRO.

Advice on this code will also be sought from the Native Timber Advisory Panel. This will enable implications for industry to be identified and understood, and for an appropriate balance to be achieved between the protection of important environmental matters and impacts on industry.

The current Managing a native forest practice (PDF, 2.1MB) code continues to apply.

Completed reviews

The reviews of the following codes have now concluded:

  • necessary environmental clearing
  • managing encroachment
  • managing weeds
  • clearing to improve agricultural efficiency
  • clearing for infrastructure
  • clearing for an extractive industry
  • managing regulated regrowth vegetation
  • managing fodder harvesting (updated to be made consistent with the reviewed codes)
  • managing thickened vegetation (this code has been removed following review. The activity will continue to be assessed under the Planning Act 2016).

These codes came into effect from 21 June 2019 and 7 February 2020. Minor updates have also been made to these codes on
22 November 2023.

You can download documents on the outcomes of the 2019 code, consultation and associated reports from our library catalogue.

More information

Last updated
06 June 2024
Last reviewed
22 November 2023