
Indigenous Business Connect | Business Queensland

Indigenous Business Connect

Indigenous Business Connect holds yarning and business networking events across Queensland.

Created by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) in collaboration with the Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts (DTATSIPCA), Indigenous Business Connect was established to connect and support Indigenous businesses to start, grow and thrive.

Indigenous Business Connect offers:

  • yarning and networking opportunities
  • Indigenous business-to-business connection
  • industry connection
  • showcase and promotion of participants products and services.

Events and activities are hosted by DESBT and DTATSIPCA, and is open to:

  • Indigenous business owners who want to yarn and connect
  • business owners/industry representatives who would like to connect to Indigenous businesses
  • government procurement officers who wish to procure to Indigenous businesses.

For more inspiration on the connections Indigenous Business Connect provides, watch the videos below: