
Contacts and resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses | Business Queensland

Contacts and resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses

A wide range of organisations, including all levels of government, provide resources to assist Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples to start, run and grow businesses. The following contacts, events, programs and resources can assist your small- to medium-sized business to improve business efficiency, skills and knowledge.

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander business support – The Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts (DTATSIPCA) works with Queensland Indigenous business owners to identify and support their capability and capacity development needs as a supply chain provider. Email for assistance, and to organise a free business health check.
  • Agriculture, livestock, fishing and forestry – the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) provides an extensive range of information on improving business awareness, biosecurity compliance and regulatory requirements for farmers, fishers and food producers.
  • First Nations Arts Business Hub – an online hub connecting First Nations businesses, artists and artsworkers with resources, information, grants and opportunities to help strengthen and grow arts and cultural businesses.
  • Innovation – learn about innovation, planning, funding and commercialising your products and services, including:
    • Advance Queensland – read about innovation for small business, entrepreneurs and start-ups; and find out about events and grants.
  • Licensing, registrations and legal obligations – learn about your business's obligations including:
  • Mentoring for Growth (M4G) program – provides an opportunity to build, develop and grow your business by working with mentors in a supportive group environment
  • Regional advice and assistance, including:
    • DTATSIPCA regional offices – linking your business to support programs and services and helping you to understand your business capability development needs
  • Small Business Solutions – provides practical business advice for Queensland businesses, including workshops and mentoring.
  • State Library of Queensland – provides a range of resources including:
    • kuril dhagan – provides a culturally appropriate venue and flexible multi-purpose space for First Nations community members, community groups and organisations to host their cultural events, meetings and other activities
    • books, reference works, newspapers, journals, CDs, DVDs, e-books, databases, and borrowing via the inter-library loan service.
  • TAFE Queensland’s One Business program – provides an opportunity for First Nations business intenders, owners and operators to work with Indigenous trainers to develop and consolidate your business skills, build networks and explore opportunities for innovation.
  • Trade and investment – Trade and Investment Queensland (TIQ) helps exporters break into emerging and established markets. TIQ works with you to develop required skills, provides market intelligence, business connections and offers in-market introductions through targeted trade missions.
  • Work, health and safety – learn about your work, health and safety obligations by searching the following:
    • WorkCover – workplace injury insurance for your workers
    • Worksafe – work, health and safety licensing; registration and compliance; self-assessment tools, checklists, guides, webinars, and more.
  • Austrade (Australian Trade and Investment Commission) – assists businesses to grow their business in international markets. Find out about export markets, grants and assistance, and expanding your business outside Australia.
  • Australian Taxation Office – learn about support for Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples including information about business structures, common taxes and how to register for them, and how to get more help.
  • – a whole-of-government service providing independent business advice and help with support and training.
  • Business Toolkit for Indigenous Women – profiles information on starting and running a business with 6 Indigenous women who share their experiences and tips on how to start and run your business, balance family and community obligations, manage your business life, and learn when and where to get help.
  • Indigenous Business Australia (IBA) – helps small- to medium-sized Indigenous businesses through business workshops, access to business advice for start-ups and growing businesses, and subsidised business skilled mentors.
  • Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation – assists Indigenous people with the acquisition and management of land to achieve economic, environmental, social and cultural benefits.
  • National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) – works with state and territory governments, Indigenous peak bodies, stakeholders and service providers to ensure that Indigenous programs and services are delivering for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  • Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations – supports and regulates corporations under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act).
  • Regional Development Australia (RDA) – a national network of local leaders and business people bringing together all levels of government to enhance the development of Australian regions and developing local solutions to local issues.
  • Supply Nation – a certified supplier database for majority owned, controlled and managed Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander businesses. Provides support, tailored advice and guidance, including:
    • Indigenous Business Direct – a free Australia-wide online directory which provides capability and skills assessment, access to business resources, business and industry insights/market intelligence, and commercial finance options.
  • Community First Development – a registered charity and not-for-profit community development organisation which provides access to skilled volunteers and resources. Volunteers share their expertise to support Indigenous communities and businesses.
  • First Australians Capital (FAC) – empowers Indigenous Australians to strengthen cultural values, stimulate creativity and innovation, and create jobs and build economic self-sufficiency.
  • GREAT (Gulf Regional Economic Aboriginal Trust) – provides key support services including small business finance and support, community economic development, and community infrastructure.
  • Indigenous Governance Toolkit – an online resource developed for Indigenous nations, communities, individuals and organisations searching for information to build their governance. Provides educational resources, examples, tools and guidance.
  • Industry Capability Network (ICN) – register as a supplier and be notified about supply opportunities. The ICN works with government and the private sector to list major infrastructure, industrial, energy and resources projects, and suppliers.
  • Jawun – partners with leading Australian companies and government agencies to place skilled business people into Indigenous organisations.
  • Many Rivers Microfinance Limited – a not-for-profit organisation which supports aspiring business owners with microenterprise development support and access to finance.
  • QMI Solutions – seeks to improve skills, performance, innovation and capability of the Queensland manufacturing industry.
  • Regional networks including:

Read how to find, apply and complete grant applications.

Mentoring and networking programs provide an opportunity for you to build, develop and grow your business:

Read more about business mentoring and networking in business.

Search the following resources for small business workshops, seminars, forums and events in Queensland:

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