
Events calendar terms and conditions | Business Queensland

Events calendar terms and conditions

Event listings submitted for inclusion on the Business Queensland events calendar by business owners or employees, or other individuals who are not Queensland Government employees, must meet the conditions outlined in our events calendar policy.

Event listings must include a description of the event (what, where, when), contact details for the event and any entry or attendance fee. Listings will not be accepted if they are incomplete, outside these guidelines or considered inappropriate by the events administrator.

It is the responsibility of the person submitting the event to ensure they have authority from their organisation to provide and publish all details on behalf of that organisation. By submitting an event listing from the Business Queensland approved events form, you authorise the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) to publish all event details.

Submitting an event for inclusion on the Business Queensland events calendar does not guarantee it will be listed. The final decision about inclusion is at the discretion of DESBT.


It is the responsibility of the person submitting the event (the user) to ensure all information submitted and published is correct.

Note, while DESBT takes reasonable steps to ensure event information is accurate when it is published, DESBT takes no responsibility if the date, phone numbers or any other details provided by the user or published by DESBT are inaccurate. The user must notify DESBT if the event details change or if the published event information is incorrect. DESBT provides no guarantee that these changes will be made in the events calendar or during the requested time frame.

Information privacy

DESBT is collecting your personal information in order to publish details of your event (including event contact details) on the events calendar to promote the development of businesses in Queensland.

DESBT may use the organisation and contact details provided for the purposes of distributing relevant material to you in relation to the development of businesses in Queensland.

Your participation as an events user is voluntary and your information is handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act (Qld) 2009. By completing the proposed event submission form, you consent to the event details and event contact details to be published on the events calendar. Outside of these details, unless authorised or required by law, DESBT will not provide your personal information to any other person or agency.