
New preferred supplier panel – groceries, dairy and beverages – video transcript | Business Queensland

New preferred supplier panel – groceries, dairy and beverages – video transcript

Watch the Groceries, dairy and beverages PSP (HSQ101256) video to find out more about how to apply for this PSP.

[Stacey] Hello and welcome to this presentation on the Food and Beverage category on behalf of Queensland Government. In lieu of being unable to hold face to face industry briefings, we've prepared this presentation to cover off on key aspects of the Groceries, Dairy and Beverages Invitation to Offer.

The purpose of this presentation is to clarify the intention of the panel and how it may create opportunities for your business to supply to Queensland Government. Throughout this presentation the following information will be covered - general background information, an overview on the concept of the Preferred Supplier Panel including the intended stages and how it will operate, an overview on the documents released to market outlining the purpose of each document, detailing the response requirements in order for your business to be assessed as a supplier under the panel and the process for any further questions or clarifications.

The Queensland Government is seeking to establish a panel of suppliers for grocery, dairy and beverage products. The panel term is for a period of five years plus optional extension periods. This panel aims to make it more simplified for suppliers to do business with Queensland Government.

Through this process we will be establishing standard terms and conditions with suppliers and establishing the framework for eligible customers to quickly engage with suppliers for their requirements and in turn it will also provide a centralised avenue for suppliers to highlight their product offerings.

The scope includes the broad categories of grocery, dairy and beverages. Sub-category lists have been provided in the documentation to show an overview of the types of products we are seeking under the panel. Over time, the scoping of categories may be refined or new categories added as necessary. The following categories are excluded – fresh food, texture modified foods, prepared meals, thickened fluids and kitchen consumables.

In terms of key dates, we have allowed for six weeks for businesses to submit their offer. The closing date is Tuesday the 4th of May 2021 at 2pm. Suppliers should regularly check the QTenders website for any updates. The closing date for questions related to this invitation to offer process is Tuesday the 27th of April 2021.

The Queensland Government is prioritising Buy Queensland First for food and beverages made, grown or produced in Queensland. You can apply to be considered for the panel if you are able to supply goods as identified in the scope and comply with the requirements of the documentation.

Once established, this panel will be available to all of Queensland Government and any other eligible customers as approved from time to time. The intention is that this panel will be utilised by Queensland Government for all future sourcing requirements for the categories included within the scope.

Suppliers need to be registered on the QTenders website to download the documentation related to this ITO and also to submit an offer. By registering on QTenders suppliers will be automatically updated of any changes.

This is the first centre led panel under the food and beverage category. As such, the concept of the preferred supplier panel will be new to many. The next few slides will outline the concept of the preferred supplier panel and how it is intended to work.

Essentially, this invitation to offer is the first stage in the process. We are seeking to assess suppliers against the criteria required to be met in order to supply Queensland Government. Once these conditions are met, suppliers can be awarded onto the panel.

Following this is when eligible customers will issue their request for quotation to suppliers under the panel, product volumes, requirements and details will be included at this stage of the process. This is where suppliers will be commercially assessed in relation to their products, pricing, delivery and any special terms required for that customer. eligible customers will also assess the local benefits requirements as outlined within the Queensland Procurement Policy, such as the assessment for Buy Queensland First for food and beverages.

For successful suppliers, a contract will be formed using a PSP Order in accordance with the PSP Conditions. Standardised templates will be encouraged to ensure simplification for suppliers. Throughout the process, the Food and Beverage category team will support both suppliers and customers through administering this framework.

It is anticipated that membership of the Grocery, Dairy, and Beverage Panel will be reviewed periodically. This means that businesses will not be locked out of the opportunity to provide to the government for an extended period. In terms of stage one the first step is to submit a response. We will then evaluate the response against the criteria outlined in Part A - Invitation to Offer document pages 16 and 17. From here, any clarifications on the response’s departures will be reviewed and the supplier will be contacted to discuss.

Following internal approvals, deeds will be executed by both parties and a supplier profile will be developed. This will then be available to eligible customers. Following these activities, the request for quotation process will commence.

Points to clarify are noted on screen. No product lists or volumes are provided as part of the panel. These will be provided at the request for quotation stage by eligible customers. Single product suppliers and total category Suppliers are encouraged to respond. However, distribution and delivery is the responsibility of the supplier. Information regarding delivery options will need to be outlined in the supplier's response.

Categories included under the panel may be updated at any stage over the term. This includes updating the categories suppliers can provide goods under. Where a small supplier believes they will be unable to comply with an obligation under the panel, they should outline this in their response under Part G – Departures. The next few slides will provide an overview on the documentation released to the market as part of this invitation to offer.

The first document that should be read is the Supplier Information Guide. This provides information on all the documents provided and includes a checklist for suppliers to complete to ensure they are covering off on all required aspects of their application. The documents outlined in the table on the screen provide an overview and the actions that are required by suppliers. This is covered off in more detail in the Supplier Information Guide on QTenders.

A brief summary of the documents are as follows. Part A is the Invitation to Offer document which provides an outline on the current opportunity, an overview of the assessment criteria, outlines the documents included as part of the invitation to offer suite and includes the Preferred Supplier Panel Invitation to Offer Conditions.

Part B is the application form, which is an Excel file that Suppliers are required to complete. Further detail will be coming on this in the future slides. Part C is the Supplier Acknowledgement and Certification Response. This needs to be read, signed and returned as part of the supplier's offer. Parts D, E, F, H and I all form part of the contract structure for this arrangement. Part D the Draft Deed is the agreement between the principal and supplier. The schedules included within the Draft Deed document outline the governance and performance management at the panel level.

Attachments 1, 2 and 3 outline the technical requirements, pricing requirements, and contract governance requirements that apply under the PSP and will apply to all customer contracts that are entered into under the panel. Part E PSP Conditions outlines the conditions of the supplier being on the panel. Part F is the General Conditions of Contracts.

These are the conditions that will apply to all customer contracts. Part H and I are also part of the overall contract structure and that is the Definitions and Interpretations and the Reporting Schedule. Part G is where suppliers can request the departures for consideration to terms that are contained within these documents.

Next we will cover off on how to respond and submit an offer. Queensland Government want to do business with ethically, environmentally and socially responsible suppliers who can deliver genuine, quality, secure and ongoing jobs with fair pay and safe working conditions for Queenslanders. To verify that we are dealing with ethical suppliers, suppliers need to respond to questions determining if they comply with the requirements of the Queensland Government Supplier Code of Conduct, Ethical Supplier Mandate and Ethical Supplier Threshold.

More information, including simple factsheets are available on the Business Queensland website at Suppliers need to complete and return the following documents as shown on screen. Suppliers should ensure they also include all the requested attachments within their response.

Grocery, dairy and beverage businesses of all sizes are encouraged to apply for this opportunity. To make tendering for government panels easier this invitation offer breaks down the response schedule into tabs for small, medium and large businesses.

All suppliers must complete tab A Essential Mandatory PSP Requirements, tab B the tab relevant to their business size and tab C the Queensland Procurement Policy Compliance. Whilst not essential small and medium businesses should also aim to complete as much information as they can on the remaining tabs as this information will assist in generating their supplier profile.

All tender documentation, including attachments, will need to be submitted via QTenders by the closing date. For assistance in uploading you will need to contact the QTenders team, their details are provided on screen. Please be mindful of file size limits when uploading your documents. More information is shown on screen.

Please ensure that your response is as concise as possible and only relevant information and attachments are provided. Suppliers are reminded to use a checklist in the Supplier Information Guide. Should you require any further information or have any questions related to this invitation to offer process, these need to be submitted in writing via the QTenders website or through the email address shown on screen.

This concludes the briefing presentation. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about this opportunity.