
ERC calculator petroleum and gas - Module 9 transcript | Business Queensland

ERC calculator petroleum and gas - Module 9 transcript

Watch the video Petroleum and gas ERC calculator training – Module 9 – Pipelines to learn about entering data into the Pipelines sheet.

Welcome back to the training for the 2022 edition of the estimated rehabilitation cost calculator for petroleum and gas. This is Module 9. This module will work through entering data into the Pipelines input sheet.

The Pipelines input sheet allows the user to list out pipelines or groups of pipelines and enter the disturbance area, improving consistency with the spatial data. The sheet calculates the cost for land rehabilitation only with totals for each category shown at the bottom right of the table. The sum of all these categories is shown at the top of the sheet under the total sheet cell, and this is reported to the relevant line item in the Main sheet.

The category is defined by the status of the easement. For example a newly constructed easement will require full rehabilitation. In most cases, the construction easement is rehabilitated to an operational easement and therefore only final rehabilitation is required. If the easement is rehabilitated but yet to be signed off by the department, the appropriate category is inspection only which allows for monitoring of rehabilitation performance. Once an easement is certified rehabilitated by the department, no further costs are required for pipeline easement with any ongoing costs assumed to be part of the ERC maintenance and monitoring allowance. While the sheet allows selection for above ground/below ground, oil, water, and gas, the costs in this sheet do not allow for purging and flushing, demolition of pipeline facilities, removal of high point vents and low point drains, and restoration of road, rail, and stream crossings. These items must be added to the Main sheet.

The quantity entry to the sheet is straightforward. As for all the sheets the first column is for the map ID followed by the name of the pipeline or group of pipelines. The user then selects from the drop-down menu for above or below ground and the type of fluid. Remember that these are for information only and costs associated with the flushing and purging and so on must be entered separately into the main sheet. The primary purpose of this sheet is again to align with other spatial data sets. The user can then either enter the easement length and width or the area directly. If the user enters an area the calculation defaults to this entry.

The user then selects the rehabilitation status of the easement, with none indicating a construction easement whereby no rehabilitation has occurred; partial indicating an operational easement remains; and rehabilitated indicating the easement is rehabilitated but yet to be signed off by the department. The final selection is the land type, that is pasture, native or arid. If arid is selected the user is communicating that the easement is in a desert environment whereby vegetation did not previously exist. The columns to the right of the user entries show the quantities entered for each category, and the total cost is found at the bottom of the table. The total for all the pipeline easements is then reported to the top of the sheet and to the line item in Main.

As always, for more information or specific instructions, please consult the user guide which is also available on the Business Queensland website, below the download for the calculator.

See you in the next module.

Watch the video: Module 9 – Pipelines.