
ERC calculator petroleum and gas - Module 6 transcript | Business Queensland

ERC calculator petroleum and gas - Module 6 transcript

Watch the video Petroleum and gas ERC calculator training – Module 6 – General land rehabilitation to learn about the General Land Rehabilitation sheet and work through examples.

Welcome back to the training for the 2022 edition of the estimated rehabilitation cost calculator for petroleum and gas. This is Module 6. This module will work through entering data into the General Land Rehabilitation input sheet.

The default rates in other sheets include land rehabilitation so the General Land Rehabilitation sheet does not need to capture such activities for these items. For example the default rates for camps and process facilities include grade and seed.

The General Land Rehabilitation user input sheet may be used to record areas that are in the total footprint of a facility but not in the disturbance area such as buffer/fire safety areas. Discrepancies between areas reported in the Plan of Operations and the ERC submission can be explained on this sheet. ERC costs should only be applied to areas where the environmental holder has a rehabilitation obligation or liability.

The General Land Rehabilitation sheet includes a range of activities – rehabilitation and repair of subsidence and general land management, construction/maintenance of natural drainage and diversions, general doze or grade and rip, miscellaneous soil amelioration and seeding, and decommissioning of bores.

The first table is land rehabilitation and repair of subsidence and land management. The appropriate category selection depends on the type and severity of land repair or maintenance required. The maintenance of rehabilitated areas applies to land that has undergone rehabilitation but requires minor attention to improve revegetation performance.

The existing rehabilitation repair – minor category is applicable to land experiencing minor cracking and/or drainage issues. The existing rehabilitation repair – moderate category is applicable to land experiencing surface expression of subsidence such as cracking and sink holes and where remedial works have not been successful. The existing rehabilitation repair – major category is applicable to land experiencing widespread surface expression of subsidence effects such as extensive cracking and multiple sink holes or where remedial works have not been successful. The existing rehabilitation repair – total failure of intended landform category assumes major reconstruction of a significant feature.

The rehabilitation of miscellaneous footprints category assumes extensive rehabilitation including reshaping, establishment of natural drainage, replacement of growth media, grading and seeding. The land management of undisturbed areas category is for items such as weed management, feral animal control, and minor erosion and sediment control. The pest management on buffer lands, non-disturbed, and rehabilitated areas is used if the proponent has responsibility for such activities.

The second table is for maintenance and/or construction of natural drainage diversions to ensure surface water flows in a manner that does not cause damage to rehabilitated and non-project related areas. The engineered cut-through drain category is used if a significant drain is required to manage subsidence and assumes a rip-rap and liner construction. The repairs and/or stabilisation of new or compromised water course diversion is to address failures of such features. The long term maintenance of water course diversion options allow the user to select whether the ground is competent and therefore more likely to retain integrity or through backfilled material that may be more prone to wear. The installation of rock armouring category allows the user to enter a specific area that may just require the installation of a protective layer.

The next two tables are for general earthmoving using either a dozer or grader to re-shape land to achieve drainage or other objectives. The miscellaneous soil amelioration and seeding table has specific treatments for amendment of land and revegetation and can be used for land areas not covered in the Main or other input sheets. The last table is for bores and includes water, monitoring, and reinjection bores decommissioned by either plugging, backfilling with cuttings, or grouting with cement. The user makes the decision as to which is the most appropriate form of decommissioning.

The totals under each category in each table are summed at the bottom of each table and the individual quantities reported back to the corresponding row in the Main sheet.

As always, for more information or specific instructions, please consult the user guide which is also available on the Business Queensland website, below the download for the calculator. See you in the next module.

Watch the video: Module 6 – General land rehabilitation.