
ERC calculator mining – Module 3 transcript | Business Queensland

ERC calculator mining – Module 3 transcript

Watch the video Mining ERC calculator training – Module 3 – General use concepts to learn the general use concepts which are important to understand when using the calculator.

Welcome back to the training for the 2022 edition of the estimated rehabilitation cost calculator for mining. Module 3. This module will go over some general use concepts which are important to understand when using the calculator.

There are various ways quantities can be added to the user input sheet. However, quantities for a specific item only need to be added into one table. In most cases, the first option is the default rate table where the calculator uses the default rate as a simple cost per unit. For example, dollars per hectare for a waste rock dump. In this example, the calculator has made a number of assumptions and produced a rate that is reasonable to cover the cost to rehabilitate a waste rock dump. Some user input sheets have multiple default rate tables for the same category but allow for different units. For example, you can enter roads by length or by area in the corresponding default rate table. Each road only needs to be added to one or the other, not both.

Then there are user defined tables which allow the users the flexibility to change specific aspects of the calculation to ultimately create a cost specific to that item. Again, if you enter an item into the user defined table, you do not need to add it to the default rate table and vice versa. The default rates included in the calculator generally include all activities reasonably anticipated to be required for a particular activity. Specifically, decommissioning, demolition, removal, disposal and storage rehabilitation of land are all included unless otherwise stated.

Arid environments are now included in the calculator as an alternative to pasture or native. The rates for arid do not include growth media and seeding. Arid environments are desert, whereby vegetation is absent. For example, Southwest Qld.

While a lot of Excel functionality is locked to prevent changes being made to the format and layout of the calculator, the standard freeze panes function is accessible so the user is able to freeze or unfreeze columns and rows to assist with viewing and use.

The calculator is colour-coded to visually assist the user in identifying which cells are for user entered data and which cells are for reference, calculation, error, etc. The key to the colour code is located in the contents tab of the calculator and displayed here. Of note, the green and yellow cells are the only cells that will allow user entering.

Much of the data entry is quantity of different units. The unit of the quantity the user is required to enter can be found in the next column on the same row or in the title of the field. It is important to check the unit you are required to enter to avoid any miscalculations. The calculator includes numerous areas that allow the user to add comments. These are important in justifying to the department why you have chosen certain values, or why alternate rates have been entered. At the top of all user input sheets there is space available to enter any general comments about the items in that sheet that will help the department with their assessment. In the pits sheet, the user must describe how the pit area was calculated at the end of the first table. In the capping alerts sheet, the user must justify capping thicknesses less than the defaults, if used. In the registration sheet, the user must explain why the waste levy does not apply to that site, if this is selected. In the summary sheet, the user must explain why an alternate project management or maintenance and monitoring rate was used if entered.

And as mentioned earlier, the yellow cells allowed the user to enter an alternate rate as an alternative to the default rate. The calculator will check if an alternate rate has been entered and if so, use that in the calculations instead of the default rate. The cell will turn red to highlight to the department that an alternate rate has been used and to remind the user that a justification is required. If an alternate rate is entered, the user must provide a justification for this rate in the space provided at the end of the corresponding table.

The calculator uses hyperlinks throughout the workbook to allow for easy navigation between sheets. The contents page which we looked at earlier is a great place to start. As mentioned, all sheets have a hyperlink back to the contents page located at the top of the sheet. Sheets that require the user to Scroll down a long way have hyperlinks at the top of each table that will quickly return the user to the top of the sheet. Some sheets also have handy hyperlinks to jump to specific parts of the sheet. To search for something in the calculator, simply use Excel search function or control F to find specific words.

Some field headings throughout the calculator have additional popup text that displays when the cell is clicked on to help the user better understand what is required to be entered into that field. These cells are identified with an asterisk. Drop down menus feature throughout the calculator and are a quick, easy way of selecting options. Drop down menus are identified by the red text at the top of the column.

Each user input sheet includes a column on the left hand side of the table for each activity to allow the entry of a map ID. The map ID allows an entry which corresponds to a company specific GIS or other referencing system. A map ID must be entered where spatial data is provided which aligns with that line item of the calculator. Multiple map IDs can be entered, separated by commas, if there is more than one identifying code or number for a particular item.

Most user input tables allow space for additional user entered items that fit within the category of the table but are not otherwise included in the calculator. The user must enter the quantity, the units and the rate for the user entered item. The user must also include a description of the rate used in the justification for alternate rate space at the end of the table.

The mobilization and user sheet allows space for additional user entered items that do not fit anywhere else in the calculator. As these items will form part of the final cost, the user must enter the quantity, the units and the rate for the user entered item. The user must also include a description of the item in the comment space at the end of the table.

As always, for more information or specific instructions, please consult the user guide, which is also available on the business Queensland website below the download for the calculator. See you in the next module.

Watch the video: Mining ERC calculator training – Module 3 – General use concepts.