
ERC calculator mining – Module 1 transcript | Business Queensland

ERC calculator mining – Module 1 transcript

Watch the video Mining ERC calculator training – Module 1 – Purpose and changes to learn the purpose of the calculator, some key definitions, and the major changes from the latest review.

Welcome to the training for the 2022 edition of the Estimated Rehabilitation Cost Calculator for mining. This training course will take you through all aspects of the Calculator. While these modules do go into some detail, they are generally designed to be an overview. So if at any time you need more information or specific instructions, please consult the User Guide, which is also available on the Business Queensland website below the download for the calculator. Let's get started.

Module one. This module will cover the purpose of the Calculator, some key definitions, and the major changes from the latest review. The Calculator was designed to provide a tool to calculate the Estimated Rehabilitation Cost as required by the Environmental Protection Act 1994. It allows a consistent yet generic approach to calculating the estimated rehabilitation cost for mining activities. It is also used by the Queensland Government to estimate the full cost to decommission, rehabilitate and close costing an operation.

Here are some key definitions to be aware of while using the tool. Please pause the video as required and carefully read through the definitions.

Throughout 2021 and 2022, the Calculator underwent a major revision with some key changes being made. All macros have been removed to improve functionality and stability. Several User Input Sheets have been added for the following activities: Water Storage; Water Treatment and Pumping; Ports; and Investigation Contamination.

The General Land Rehabilitation sheet is what used to be called 'Miscellaneous Activities', and is designed to collect activities that aren't included in other sheets. A Subrates and Capping Alert sheet has been added for reference. And the scope and key assumptions column in the Table of Values has been expanded to provide greater transparency for rate defaults and calculator assumptions.

A Waste Register has been added to itemized quantities multiplied by the Waste Levy. This will be covered in more detail in a later module. Rates have been reviewed, updated and made consistent across the mining and the petroleum and gas Calculators. Rates for dismantling drag lines were added and a medium risk, low permeability layer category was added to waste structures.

Watch the video: Module 1 – Purpose and changes.