
Harrison tool for employee retention | Business Queensland

Harrison tool for employee retention

The Harrison tool for retention is an employee questionnaire that delivers individualised reports to give an employer insight into, for example:

  • what motivates an employee
  • the employee’s strengths
  • how the employer can work with the employee to develop a successful and productive long-term working relationship.

Using the tool, employers can:

  • engage and build a strong working relationship with their employee by starting meaningful conversations
  • manage and understand their employee’s strengths to provide effective leadership
  • develop their employee’s skillset, potentially securing a valued asset for their business
  • retain the employee, reducing employee turnover and the need for additional recruitment.

Our regionally-based Back to Work teams can work with employers and provide advice.

Although the tool was developed as part of the Back to Work program, we encourage all Queensland employers to register their interest in the Harrison tool for retention.