
Find apprentices and trainees | Business Queensland

Find apprentices and trainees

There are many ways to find an apprentice or trainee for your business, such as:

  • upskill one of your existing workers
  • contact local high schools and TAFEs
  • post a vacancy on websites targeted at aspiring apprentices and trainees.

If one of your staff wants to transition into an apprenticeship or traineeship, they must fulfil eligibility criteria to receive government funding.

Employing apprentices and trainees with a disability not only attracts financial incentives such as tax and wage subsidies, but also brings financial and social benefits to businesses. Research shows that employers can save on recruiting and training costs by hiring workers with disabilities because they are productive workers who tend to stay longer with an employer.

This guide outlines different ways to recruit your next apprentice or trainee including employing existing workers and those with disabilities.