
Neighbourhood Centres – resources for providers | Business Queensland

Neighbourhood Centres – resources for providers

Neighbourhood Centres initiative

The Queensland Government provides operational funding to Neighbourhood Centres across Queensland in rural, remote and urban communities.

Neighbourhood centres provide invaluable community development activities and access to formal and informal support. They offer activities and events that respond to the unique needs and priorities of their local communities.

The Neighbourhood Centres initiative contributes to the Queensland Government's Communities 2032 – vision that 'Queensland's communities support and empower every person to connect, participate, contribute, and thrive' by offering a physical space that welcomes and empowers people to connect with each other, as well as access the services and supports they need to thrive.

Neighbourhood Centres initiative guideline

The Neighbourhood Centres Initiative Guidelines, Specifications and Requirements provides information about:

  • the intent of the initiative
  • the funded activities
  • service delivery requirements
  • reporting requirements.

Read the Neighbourhood Centres: Initiative guideline, specifications and requirements (v1.1 March 2024) (PDF, 882KB).

Neighbourhood Centre Outcome Measurement System (OMS) supporting documentation

The following instructions are provided on how to access the OMS portal, complete required quarterly reporting and perform user maintenance:

Community Connect initiative

Community Connect workers are located in some neighbourhood centres to provide support to individuals and families with complex needs. The Community Connect workers can help link people to community and specialist support services, through referrals and tailored support.

Community Connect is not provided in all Neighbourhood Centres. View a list of Neighbourhood Centres with Community Connect workers.

Community Connect initiative guideline

The Community Connect initiative guideline provides information about:

  • the intent of the initiative
  • the funded activities
  • the service model
  • service delivery requirements
  • reporting requirements.

Read the Community Connect: Initiative guideline, specifications and requirements (v2.0 July 2024) (PDF, 1MB).

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