
Community Transport Program – resources for service providers | Business Queensland

Community Transport Program – resources for service providers

The Community Transport Program provides door-to-door transport support to assist people who have trouble accessing transport options to get around in their local community.

This program provides a niche transport services role that:

  • focuses on the most vulnerable in our community to gain or regain independence and to create more equitable community participation
  • provides services in locations where other transport options are in short supply
  • creates community networking opportunities and connections with other social and community services.

View the list of funded service providers across Queensland.

Community Transport Program resources

Program guideline: service and reporting specification

The program guideline gives information about:

  • the program's intent
  • eligibility
  • scope
  • service specifications
  • reporting requirements.

The Community Transport program guideline has recently been updated. There are no major changes to the guidelines. Minor changes are summarised in the below summary document.

Read the Community Transport Program guideline (v2.0) (PDF, 975KB).

View the Summary of changes in Community Transport Program guidelines (PDF, 199KB).

Service User Report and Service Delivery Report

Service providers must provide a quarterly service user and service delivery report by the following dates:

  • 28 October for reporting period 1 July to 30 September
  • 28 January for reporting period 1 October to 31 December
  • 28 April for reporting period 1 January to 31 March
  • 28 July for reporting period 1 April to 30 June.

Use the template for reporting service user and service delivery (XLSX, 200KB) to complete your reporting requirements.


Email for more information about the program.

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