
Queensland Homelessness Information Platform (QHIP) | Business Queensland

Queensland Homelessness Information Platform (QHIP)

The Queensland Homelessness Information Platform (QHIP) is the homelessness assessment and vacancy management system for homelessness and domestic and family violence services in Queensland.

Service providers can use QHIP to access client information and manage referrals for:

  • homeless people
  • people at risk of homelessness
  • women and children experiencing domestic and family violence.

QHIP helps service providers:

  • deliver services and pathways for clients
  • use a consistent approach to initial assessment across the service system
  • use clear, transparent and consistent processes for prioritising clients
  • provide efficient yet secure processes to share client assessment information.

QHIP supports two tools:

  1. Vacancy Capacity Management System (VCMS)

Service providers use the VCMS tool to list and search for vacancies and non-accommodation support agencies within the sector.Funded services in the homelessness sector can:

  • maintain vacancy information in real time
  • search for available vacancies
  • search for agencies.

Each service listing includes:

  • service details
  • referral information
  • vacancy and capacity information.

Service providers can see vacancy and capacity information for Queensland, sorted by target groups, regional locations, service type and availability.

  1. Common Homelessness Assessment and Referral Tool (CHART)

CHART is a tool for assessing, prioritising and referring people to homelessness and domestic and family violence services in Queensland.

CHART was developed for use by Queensland homelessness and domestic violence service providers and should be used in conjunction with the VCMS.

Service providers can use CHART to:

  • create homelessness or domestic violence assessments
  • consistently prioritise clients based on their needs and risks
  • refer clients to appropriate vacancies
  • accept clients into services or decline referrals
  • record time spent assessing and referring clients
  • run reports on assessment and referral activity.

Access to QHIP

The Homeless Hotline and providers of homelessness and domestic and family violence services funded by the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy or Department of Justice and Attorney-General can access QHIP.

Eligible services can contact the system administrator to request access to QHIP.

Get support

Service desk

The QHIP service desk provides support with:

  • difficulties logging on to the system
  • unlocking existing accounts
  • resetting passwords.

Phone: (07) 3514 3514 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm)

System administrator

The system administrator provides support to registered users in how to use and apply QHIP.

They can also help with:

  • system access
  • amendments to client assessment records.

Email for access or support.
