
Developing policies to address bullying and cyberbullying for service providers | Business Queensland

Developing policies to address bullying and cyberbullying for service providers

This information will help funded providers who work with young people to develop and implement policies to address bullying, including cyberbullying.

Before you begin developing these policies it is important to understand what bullying is and the impacts it can have.

What you can do

Develop policies to effectively respond to bullying

Consider how you will respond to young people who are experiencing bullying or displaying bullying behaviour.

You should detail:

  • what your organisation does to prevent bullying from taking place, either in person or online
  • how your organisation will respond when you believe that a young person is
    • experiencing bullying
    • behaving in a way that is affecting the safety or wellbeing of others
  • how your organisation manages online behaviours, including on social media.

Resources to help you respond to bullying or support young people experiencing cyberbullying include:

  • Headspace
    Resources for friends and family about bullying, including how to talk about bullying, what to say and do, and suggestions for responding to young people who are displaying bullying behaviour.
  • eSafety Commissioner
    Information to help you manage online safety issues, including for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people who speak or read English as a second language and information about image-based abuse, domestic and family violence. You can also report cyberbullying and access tailored advice and training workshops for frontline workers.
  • Queensland Police Service
    Information about protecting yourself from cyberbullying.
  • Australian Cyber Security Centre
    How to report cybercrime, including cyber abuse.
  • Kids Help Line
    Telephone, email or webchat support for teens (13-17) and young adults (18-25).

Create a culture to help prevent bullying

Your organisation is in the best position to know what it can do to create a culture of zero tolerance towards bullying and other harmful behaviours. You should consider:

  • social media monitoring and engagement
  • organisational culture and respectful interactions
  • governance and management
  • human resources.

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