
Comply with HSQF for homelessness service providers | Business Queensland

Comply with HSQF for homelessness service providers

All specialist homelessness services (SHS) providers funded by the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works (DHLGPPW) must comply with the Human Services Quality Framework (HSQF).

The HSQF is a system we use to assess and improve the quality of human services. It was developed in collaboration with the non-government sector.

How to comply

You must comply with the Human Services Quality Standards contained in the HSQF.

Each standard has performance indicators that your organisation will be assessed against.

You need to demonstrate that you comply in 1 of the following ways, depending on which situation applies to you.

Providers funded by and in scope for certification with the Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships (DSDSATSIP)

Email a copy of this certification to DHLGPPW at

Providers funded by and required to do self-assessment with DSDSATSIP

Email a copy of the DSDSATSIP self-assessment to DHLGPPW at You don't need to complete new or additional self-assessments. (This self-assessment is not specific to providers of housing services.)

Get information about the HSQF and requirements from the DSDSATSIP website. Certification with DSDSATSIP applies to your DSDSATSIP-funded services only.

You don't need to include your SHS-funded services in the HSQF certification process. For more advice, contact your Contract Manager.

Providers not in scope for certification or self-assessment with DSDSATSIP

Complete a self-assessment against the Human Services Quality Standards for your DHLGPPW-funded services only. Email the self-assessment to DHLGPPW at within 18 months of the service agreement starting.

Develop a continuous improvement plan based on the self-assessment and email it to DHLGPPW within 12 months of completing the self-assessment.

The following documents have been modified from the DSDSATSIP versions for providers not in scope for certification or self-assessment with DSDSATSIP and completing a self-assessment for DHLGPPW:

Accreditation under another quality assurance framework

If your organisation has other relevant accreditation or certification against approved industry standards for specific services, you can use it as evidence of compliance with the HSQF for funding initiatives under common agreement.

Evidence of other accreditation or certification is considered on a case-by-case basis.


Contact your Contract Manager for more information:


Phone: (07) 3007 4386

Central Queensland/North Coast

Phone: (07) 4848 7054


Phone: (07) 3437 6047

North Queensland

Phone: (07) 4724 8571