
Rent calculator for community housing providers | Business Queensland

Rent calculator for community housing providers

Open the rent calculator

Our rent calculator helps you calculate rent for your tenants.

The rent calculator doesn't save tenant or household details—it only calculates rent.

We update the rent calculator regularly to reflect changes to Rent Assistance and Family Tax Benefit rates paid by Services Australia.

Before using the calculator, collect the details of assessable income for all household members.

Read more on how to use the rent calculator guide (PDF, 495KB).

Assessable and non-assessable income

Assessable income types include pensions, allowances and benefits, wages and work allowances, and other income sources.

Payments for a specific purpose are usually non-assessable. Exclude these from your rent assessments.

Read more information about assessable and non-assessable income types (PDF, 151KB).

Tax allowance

A tax allowance is applied to working incomes. Read the tax allowance scale (PDF, 337KB) for how to apply this discount.

Services Australia payments

Read Services Australia's guide to payments for income rate information.

More information

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