
Key scientific research areas in Queensland | Business Queensland

Key scientific research areas in Queensland

Queensland's scientific research focuses on key areas that:

  • capitalise on the state's natural assets and existing industry strengths
  • help develop new industries.

Research in Queensland spans a wide range of areas, including:

Advanced manufacturing and design

Manufacturing and design research aims to improve sustainability and technology to grow existing capabilities such as engineering, machinery, mining and metal product manufacturing, and to further develop expertise in new areas such as electronics, rail and fibre composites.

Learn more about advanced manufacturing and design.


Using Queensland's biological resources - such as plants and animals - researchers help develop medicines and tests for diseases, foods that are more nutritious or produced more easily, and products that benefit the environment.

Learn more about biotechnology and find out about biodiscovery and business.

Creative Industries

Research in the creative industries covers print and digital media production, software development for computer gaming and video production, performing arts, music and marketing.

Learn more about creative industries.

Defence, aviation and space

Research in this area contributes to:

  • advanced maintenance, repair and overhaul facilities and support services
  • education, training and simulation activities
  • logistics
  • unmanned airborne vehicles and development facilities.

Learn more about defence, aviation and space.

Environment and nature

Scientific research of the environment and nature covers goods and services in water and wastewater management, air quality, green energy, recycling and urban development.

Learn more about environment and nature.

Food and agriculture

Research facilities include molecular biology and genomics laboratories, a network of research stations and field trial sites with different climates from semi-arid inland to the Wet Tropics.

Learn more about food and agriculture.

Health and medical

Health and medical research covers the application of cell-based technologies, including advanced therapies for cancer and research into viral, bacterial and parasitic infection.

Learn more about health and medical.

Digital economy

Digital-based research helps provide information security, 3D animation special effects and post-production services, game development, and world-class ICT products and services to traditional industries such as mining, agriculture, health, transport and tourism.

Learn more about digital economy.

Mining and energy

Mining and energy research helps to develop alternative fuels and produce key alternative fuel feedstocks such as sugar, grains (particularly sorghum), coal and coal seam methane.

Learn more about mining and resources and energy.


Nanotechnology research involves working with very small particles to create new products for health care, such as medicines, and to benefit the environment, such as through clean energy production.

Learn more about nanotechnology.

Renewable energy

A number of innovative research projects are being carried out in Queensland's renewable energy industry, including areas such as solar, biofuels and bioenergy.

Learn more about renewable energy.