
Queensland Great Artesian Basin | Business Queensland

Queensland Great Artesian Basin

Find out how we manage groundwater in the Queensland Great Artesian Basin to ensure the sustainability of this vital resource.


About the Queensland Great Artesian Basin

Read an overview of the Queensland Great Artesian Basin and how the Queensland Government manages the Basin.

Great Artesian Basin and other regional aquifers water plan

Find out how water is managed in the Great Artesian Basin water plan area and how to access water.

Water use limits

Find out about limits to water use in the Queensland Great Artesian Basin.

Approval to use water

Find out about licensing, permits and approvals for water use and bores in the Queensland Great Artesian Basin.

Water and ecosystem monitoring data

Find out what kind of data we use to monitor the overall health of the GAB and increase our scientific knowledge of the basin.

Managing resource industry impacts

Find out about how the resources industry is regulated to manage impacts on groundwater resources.

Rehabilitation program

Read about measures to prevent uncontrolled water flows and to replace bore drains with pipes in the Queensland Great Artesian Basin.

Spring monitoring in the Great Artesian Basin

Information on the projects monitoring the health of the groundwater basin.