
Visits by petroleum and gas inspectors | Business Queensland

Visits by petroleum and gas inspectors

Inspectors carry a Queensland Government photographic identification card and will identify themselves as soon as they enter a place. They will advise the person in control of the place of their arrival and the reason for their visit.

The inspector will explain the purpose and process of the visit. They may review documented or electronic systems and procedures, observe work practices, speak to people, and look at tools and equipment.

Inspectors sometimes visit places in teams as they may specialise in a particular aspect of the petroleum and fuel gas industry.

An inspector can also require a person at a place to provide reasonable help to assist the inspector to exercise a power or decide whether the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 is being complied with. The inspector may require name and address details, the production of documents or further information.

At the end of the visit, the inspector will summarise the key findings and explain any actions that may need to be taken. If any directions are given, the inspector will explain these as well as your appeal rights if you disagree with a decision.

Timing of activities

Inspector visits can be planned in advance to address areas of risk or be in response to complaints or prescribed incidents. Each year, the Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate (PGI) reviews industry and compliance data to identify trends and develop measures aimed to improve safety outcomes. Our inspectors work across Queensland, in specific locations, and key sectors of the petroleum and fuel gas industry.

Operators or people carrying on a relevant business can also request an inspector visit to check the effectiveness of existing or new systems and practices.

Advance notice of a visit is not provided if an inspector is visiting in relation to a complaint or prescribed incident and is usually minimised for most inspections. This ensures the integrity of the site inspection or activity and that the reason for the visit is not compromised.

From 1 July 2018, inspectors will be conducting gas compliance assurance inspections based on risk rather than location. Risk will be determined using 3 factors: installer, device or appliance, and location.

During emergencies

Inspectors may attend a place during an emergency or dangerous situation involving petroleum or fuel gas to provide technical advice and support to emergency services or industry. Inspectors may require reasonable help to access a place, perform a function, and/or exercise a power.