
Recognised standards, guidelines and guidance notes | Business Queensland

Recognised standards, guidelines and guidance notes

The following recognised standards, guidelines and guidance notes relate to mining and quarrying activities in Queensland.

Recognised standards (coal mines)

Section 72(1) of the Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999 specifies that the Minister may make recognised standards. Standards state ways of achieving an acceptable level of risk for people working in coal mines. Operators can manage the risk in a different way but must be able to show that the method used is at least equivalent to the method in the recognised standard.

The Minister can approve recognised standards to be reviewed or developed by a Recognised Standard Tripartite Working Group (RSTWG).

Find recognised standards currently being reviewed or developed.

Guidelines (mineral mines and quarries)

Section 63(1) of the Mining and Quarrying Safety and Health Act 1999 specifies that the Minister may make guidelines. Guidelines provide ways of achieving an acceptable standard of risk for people working in mineral mines and quarries. Operators can manage the risk in a different way but must be able to show that the method used is at least equivalent to the method in the guideline.

Naturally occurring radioactive material in metalliferous mines

Respirable dust in mineral mines and quarries

Supporting documents for QGL02

Sampling data submissions template and guides:

Search the register of occupational hygiene consultancies for available consultancies suitable for QGL02 Management of respirable dust in Queensland mineral mines and quarries.

Guideline for hazardous chemical

Respiratory health surveillance

Supporting documents for QGL04

Health surveillance forms:

  • Respiratory health surveillance medical examination form (DOCX, 202KB) for mineral mine and quarry workers. This is the recommended template to be used to record the clinical findings from the respiratory health surveillance examinations and associated medical records.
  • Health surveillance report (DOCX, 916KB) for respiratory health surveillance of mineral mine and quarry workers. This is the recommended template to be used by the appropriate doctor to record information about any effects on a worker's health related to exposure to a respiratory hazard at a mine or quarry and the need, if any, for remedial action.

Find out more about respiratory health surveillance for mineral mine and quarry workers including finding medical providers.

Guidance notes

Guidance notes are issued to help operators meet their safety and health obligations.

Mineral mines and quarries

Coal mines

Guidelines (coal mines)

Guidelines are published by the Coal Mines Inspectorate to provide operators with ways of achieving an acceptable standard of risk for people working in coal mines.