
Report a prescribed disease | Business Queensland

Report a prescribed disease

You must notify an inspector of mines and other safety or workers' representatives if any of your current or former workers is diagnosed with a prescribed disease.

Reporting prescribed diseases for coal mines

You must notify an inspector of mines and an industry safety and health representative as soon as practicable after receiving a report of a confirmed diagnosis of the following diseases:

  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - when contracted by a current or former coal mine worker at a coal mine who was exposed to dust at the mine
  • coal workers' pneumoconiosis - when contracted by a current or former coal mine worker at a coal mine who was exposed to coal dust at the mine
  • legionellosis - when contracted by a current or former coal mine worker at a coal mine who was exposed to a causative agent for legionellosis at the mine
  • silicosis - when contracted by a current or former coal mine worker at a coal mine who was exposed to crystalline silica dust at the mine.

Reporting prescribed diseases for metalliferous mines and quarries

You must notify an inspector of mines and a district workers' representative as soon as practicable after receiving a report of one of the following diseases:

  • asbestosis
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • legionellosis
  • occupational asthma
  • occupational cancer
  • silicosis.

Reporting process

You can make an initial oral report, but this must confirmed in writing by either:

  • sending an email containing the required information (see below)
  • using the 'Notice of confirmation' form (v. 10 or higher), which you may currently use to confirm verbal reports of high-potential incidents or serious accidents. Make sure you obtain an up-to-date version by emailing the Mines Inspectorate in your region.

If you choose to send an email, include the following information:

  • the name and address of the mine or quarry
  • the name of the site senior executive for the mine or quarry
  • if the report is made on behalf of the site senior executive - the name, position and contact details of the person reporting the disease
  • the disease being reported (e.g. coal workers' pneumoconiosis).

No additional information about the prescribed disease is required.

For further information on reporting requirements for metalliferous mines and quarries, read QGN6: Guidance to metalliferous mines and quarries in reporting serious accidents and high-potential incidents (PDF, 370KB).