
Area relinquishment and end of authority for petroleum and gas | Business Queensland

Area relinquishment and end of authority for petroleum and gas

What's new

A new practice direction and data submission templates are available below. Read more about new reporting requirements and implementation timelines.

You must lodge a report whenever you relinquish or surrender area from your petroleum and gas resource authority or when your tenure ends. This includes partial or final relinquishment reports and end of tenure reports.

Read how to meet your notification and reporting obligations under Queensland resources legislation, and download a flowchart of reporting requirements for area relinquishment (PDF, 142KB).

Permits this applies to

  • Authority to prospect
  • Petroleum lease
  • Petroleum pipeline licence
  • Petroleum survey licence
  • Data acquisition authority
  • Water monitoring authority

Before starting activities

Check requirements for land access and other notices before starting petroleum and gas activities.

How to lodge your notices and reports

The tables below show what you need to submit and how to do it. If you need more help:

Authority to prospect

Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge
Relinquishment notice
(P&G Act1 s. 65(3))
(Pet Act2 s. 74A)
Before relinquishment Post or email notice to Petroleum Assessment Hub
Relinquishment report for an authority to prospect
(General Regs3 s. 21)
Within 6 months of area relinquishment

Follow the practice direction and use the data submission template above. Upload all files to the GSQ Lodgement Portal.

End of tenure report
(General Regs s. 25)
Within 6 months after end of resource authority

Follow the practice direction and use the data submission template above. Upload all files to the GSQ Lodgement Portal.

1P&G Act: Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004
2Pet Act: Petroleum Act 1923
3General Regs: Petroleum and Gas (General Provisions) Regulation 2017

Petroleum lease

Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge
Relinquishment report for a petroleum lease
(General Regs s. 22)
Within 6 months of area relinquishment

Follow the practice direction and use the data submission template above. Upload all files to the GSQ Lodgement Portal.

Surrender report for a petroleum lease
(General Regs s. 23)
Within 6 months of surrender

Follow the practice direction and use the data submission template above. Upload all files to the GSQ Lodgement Portal.

End of tenure report
(General Regs s. 25)
Within 6 months after end of resource authority

Follow the practice direction and use the data submission template above. Upload all files to the GSQ Lodgement Portal.

Petroleum pipeline licence

Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge
Notice of intention to surrender
(P&G Act1 s. 577)
At least 3 months before lodging the surrender application Post or email notice to Petroleum Assessment Hub
Surrender report for a pipeline licence
(General Regs2 s. 24)
Prior to surrender (with the surrender application)

Follow the practice direction and use the data submission template above. Upload all files to the GSQ Lodgement Portal.

1P&G Act: Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004
2General Regs: Petroleum and Gas (General Provisions) Regulation 2017

Petroleum survey licence

Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge
End of authority report
(P&G Act1 s. 546A, General Regs2 s. 26)
Within 6 months after end of resource authority

Follow the practice direction and use the data submission template above. Upload all files to the GSQ Lodgement Portal.

1P&G Act: Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004
2General Regs: Petroleum and Gas (General Provisions) Regulation 2017

Data acquisition authority

Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge
End of authority report
(P&G Act1 s. 546A, General Regs2 s. 26)
Within 6 months after end of resource authority

Follow the practice direction and use the data submission template above. Upload all files to the GSQ Lodgement Portal.

1P&G Act: Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004
2General Regs: Petroleum and Gas (General Provisions) Regulation 2017

Water monitoring authority

Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge
End of tenure report
(P&G Act s5461, Pet Act s76(b)2,
General Regs s. 253)
Within 6 months after end of resource authority

Follow the practice direction and use the data submission template above. Upload all files to the GSQ Lodgement Portal.

1P&G Act: Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004
2Pet Act: Petroleum Act 1923
3General Regs: Petroleum and Gas (General Provisions) Regulation 2017