
Recently granted resource authorities | Business Queensland

Recently granted resource authorities

Resource authorities granted in Queensland during the last year are detailed below.


June 2024 (PDF, 90.2KB)

May 2024 (PDF, 101.9KB)

April 2024 (PDF, 92.3KB)

March 2024 (PDF, 79.3KB)

February 2024 (PDF, 91.9KB)

January 2024 (PDF, 74.8KB)


December 2023 (PDF, 77.8KB)

November 2023 (PDF, 98.9KB)

October 2023 (PDF, 151.4KB)

September 2023 (PDF, 75.1KB)

August 2023 (PDF, 97.2KB)

July 2023 (PDF, 84.3KB)

June 2023 (PDF, 86.0KB)

May 2023 (PDF, 107.6KB)

April 2023 (PDF, 93.7KB)

These resource authorities have been granted under the following acts:

  • Mineral Resource Act 1989
  • Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004
  • Petroleum Act 1923
  • Geothermal Exploration Act 2004
  • Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2009.