
Collaborative development program – transcript | Business Queensland

Collaborative development program – transcript

Chief Government Geologist Tony Knight shares with us details about the new Collaborative development program.

We're launching a new initiative of government grants program called the Collaborative development program. It's designed to help industry help people recover value from what's been called wastes. Not just mine waste though but other industrial processing waste as well.

There's a lot of value left behind in the minerals in this mine waste material, for example we've mined copper in Queensland for about 100 years or more yet in that all that copper there's also cobalt which hasn't been recovered. That cobalt now sits in tailing dams and other waste depositories across the state.

The Collaborative development program is designed to help explorers and those who hold mine waste depositories to recover value from those wastes. It's really important for the future.

Watch the Collaborative development program video.