
Production, statistics and royalties reporting for coal and minerals | Business Queensland

Production, statistics and royalties reporting for coal and minerals

If you hold an exploration permit for coal or minerals, a mineral development licence or a mining lease, you must:

  • provide information about your activities, mineral discoveries, sales and production
  • lodge royalty return and pay royalties on the coal and minerals you produce.

This page explains how to meet your notification and reporting obligations under Queensland resources legislation. Download a flowchart of reporting requirements for production and sales statistics (PDF, 150KB).

Resource authorities this applies to

  • Exploration permit for coal or minerals
  • Mineral development licence
  • Mining lease

How to lodge your notices and reports

The tables below show what you need to submit and how to do it. If you need more help:

Exploration permit for coal or minerals

Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge
Discovery of minerals
(MRA1 s. 176)
Within 14 days after discovery of any mineral of commercial value in what appears to be payable quantities Post or email to relevant assessment hub, Attn: Principal Mining Registrar or Regional Geologist

1MRA: Mineral Resources Act 1989

Mineral development licence

Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge
Royalty return (when bulk sampling)
(MRA1 s. 320(4) MRR2 s. 36)
See the guide to lodging royalty returns Submit using QRO Online

1MRA: Mineral Resources Act 1989
2MRR: Mineral Resources Regulation 2013

Mining lease

Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge
Notices about coal industry statistics or information (quarterly return)
(CMSHA1 s. 279)
(MRA3 404C)
3 weeks after the end of the quarter Submit using GSQ Lodgement Portal
Notices about metalliferous industry statistics or information (annual return)
(MQSHA2 s. 259)
(MRA 404C)
By 30 September each year Email to
Royalty return
(MRA s. 320(4) MRR4 s. 36)
See the guide to lodging royalty returns Submit using QRO Online

1CMSHA: Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999
2MQSHA: Mining and Quarrying Safety and Health Act 1999
3MRA: Mineral Resources Act 1989
4MRR: Mineral Resources Regulation 2013

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