
Requirements for employees of security-sensitive authority holders | Business Queensland

Requirements for employees of security-sensitive authority holders

New requirements for security clearances came into effect on 1 February 2020 for employees of security-sensitive authority holders who have unsupervised access to explosives.

'Unsupervised access' means they have access to an explosive other than in the presence, and under the direct supervision (i.e. within continuous direction and observation), of a person who holds a security clearance. Find out more about what is meant by unsupervised access.

Transitional provisions may apply to your existing employees (see table below).

Some employees may be exempt from needing security clearances.

Security clearance requirements for employees of security-sensitive authority holders

Employee statusDateRequirements
New employee Employed after 1 February 2020
  • The employee must have a security clearance before they are allowed unsupervised access
Existing employee Employed before 1 February 2020
  • The employee must have a security clearance by 1 February 2022
  • If the employee changes employer or ceases employment, they will need to apply for a security clearance before they can have unsupervised access to explosives with a new employer