
General licensing information for explosives and fireworks | Business Queensland

General licensing information for explosives and fireworks

This guide covers general information about requirements for explosives licences. For more information on how to apply for a licence or permit, follow the links below.

Explosives are classified as a dangerous good and restrictions generally apply to handling explosives throughout their entire life cycle.

In Queensland, you need a licence or permit for most explosives activities. Often, each separate activity will require its own licence or permit.

You can apply for an explosives licence or permit for:

To obtain an explosives licence or permit, you must meet eligibility requirements, including training, safety, security and medical clearance. You’ll need to know how to use explosives safely and securely and have adequate facilities.

You may need to:

  • obtain a security clearance if the licence or permit relates to security-sensitive explosives
  • complete a course from a registered training organisation.

This guide explains those requirements, as well as when you need to obtain an explosives licence or permit, the types of explosives licences and permits available, and how to renew, surrender or replace an existing licence.