
Medical assessments for explosives licences | Business Queensland

Medical assessments for explosives licences

For some applications, we may require that you submit a current medical assessment.

If you already have a current medical report for using commercial vehicles with dangerous goods, you can use this as your medical assessment. Otherwise, please follow the instructions below.

The medical assessment must be conducted by a qualified medical doctor. The Explosives Inspectorate does not accept Coal Board Medicals for licence applications.

Note: A medical report remains current for 3 years from the date of the examination.

Who needs an assessment?

You must submit a completed medical assessment if you apply for the following licences:

  • shotfirer licence
  • explosives driver licence
  • fireworks operator licence
  • licence to use explosives (specialised purpose).

You also need a medical assessment if you:

Obtaining a medical assessment

Step 1

Download and print these forms. You will need to take them along to your doctor's appointment.

*An acceptable equivalent is any assessment form issued by a government agency assessing your fitness to drive.

Both forms need to be completed by your doctor. They will retain form QF3195 for their records and give you the completed medical certificate (form QF3712).

Step 2

Complete Part 1 of the medical certificate form (QF3712) before you visit your doctor.

For Part 1 Question 3: 'a vehicle transporting dangerous goods in a receptacle with a capacity of more than 500L or 500kg' - tick yes (see below).

Form F3712 detail

Step 3

Attend your medical appointment and have the doctor complete the forms in accordance with the standards for commercial vehicle drivers.

The doctor must select Commercial for Part 2 Question 6 of form F3712 (see below).

Question 7 in part 2 of form F3712

Step 4

Take a copy of your medical certificate and have it certified. Keep the original for your records and submit the certified copy with your application.

Note that we may request more information from your doctor about your physical health, or a report from a psychiatrist or psychologist about your mental health.

How to get copies of your documents certified

To get your documents certified:

  1. Make a good quality photocopy of each of your documents (e.g. your qualifications, statements of attainment, driver's licence, etc.).
  2. Take the photocopies and the originals to a Justice of the Peace (JP) or Commissioner for Declarations (CDec).

The JP or CDec will compare the documents, and certify that the photocopies are true copies of the originals.

Notification requirements of health changes

If your health changes to the extent that you no longer meet the medical standards, you must inform the Explosives Inspectorate as soon as possible.