
Blasting notifications | Business Queensland

Blasting notifications

You must notify us before you undertake a blast, other than at a mine, quarry or explosives factory.

This page explains how to meet your notification obligations under Queensland explosives legislation.

Who this applies to

  • holders of a shotfirer licence
  • holders of a licence to use explosives if proposed blasting is likely to pose a risk to public safety.

Before starting activities

Check blasting and shotfiring licensing requirements.

How to lodge your notices

The table below shows what you need to submit and how to do it. If you need more help:

Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge
Notice of proposed blasting
(ER1 ss. 154 and 155)
At least 7 days before the blasting Submit online using the blasting notification form

1ER: Explosives Regulation 2017