
Authorising, relifing and trialling explosives | Business Queensland

Authorising, relifing and trialling explosives

Under the Explosives Act 1999, only authorised explosives can be used in Queensland.

Any explosives that don't meet the composition, quality or character of the original authorised explosives are unauthorised in Queensland.

The Chief Inspector of Explosives:

  • can extend the shelf life of explosives (on application)
  • must authorise or approve for trial all explosives used in Queensland
  • has generically authorised fireworks.

Read more about authorising and classifying fireworks.

Applying for an authorised explosive or trial

You can apply for the:

  • authorisation of an explosive
  • amendment of an authorised explosive
  • trial of an unauthorised or prohibited explosive
  • trial extension of an unauthorised or prohibited explosive.

To apply, submit the E121 – Authorised explosive or trial form (PDF, 293KB). Read about how to complete the application form (PDF, 337KB) or contact us if you need help.

Note: An 'authorisation' does not allow you to import, transport, manufacture, store, supply or use any explosive unless you have a separate licence or permit allowing you to do so.

Application fees

Also read important information about your fees, including how to pay and refunds.

Application type Regulatory fee
Application for explosives trial approval Nil
Request for explosive to be declared an authorised explosive $164.94 (excl. GST)

Find an authorised explosive

The register of authorised explosives in Queensland identifies 4 different groups:

  1. List of authorised explosives, including permitted and generically authorised explosives.
  2. List of Authorised Commonwealth Explosives (LACE) comprises articles approved by the Department of Defence and authorised by the Chief Inspector based on Department of Defence approval.
  3. Generically authorised explosives articles of hazard division 1.3 and 1.4 for use by law enforcement agencies.
  4. Generically authorised explosives used in the petroleum, gas and geothermal industries.

Explosives don't need to be authorised for particular purposes, except for permitted explosives, so you must follow the manufacturer's recommendations for conditions of use (according to the explosive's quality and character).

Read the UK Health and Safety Executive Testing memorandum TM 2 (PDF, 625KB) for information on testing and approval of permitted explosives (for use in underground coal mines).

Life extension of out-of-specification explosives

If the authorised shelf life of explosives (based on manufacturer's recommendation) has expired, they're still authorised for possession, transport, storage and disposal if:

  • their composition, quality or character hasn't changed
  • they are no more than 12 months beyond the authorised shelf life
  • they are in good condition and order (i.e. the same condition as at receipt). If the explosives are outside specification, the manufacturer or supplier must certify that the product is fit for the required activity
  • they are in their original or approved packaging
  • you are not using them and you'll dispose of them as soon as possible within the 12 months after expiry
  • they are for 1 or more of these activities only: possession, transport, storage, disposal.

Applying to temporarily authorise explosives

If explosives don't meet the above criteria and are for disposal, you can apply to the Chief Inspector of Explosives to temporarily authorise them for possession, transport, storage or disposal.

To apply, submit the E122 – Request a life extension of out-of-specification explosive (PDF, 393KB).

You can also use this form if the explosives may still be suitable for use (i.e. beyond shelf life but still meet the manufacturer's specifications for use). You will need to provide test results to confirm that the explosives are still fit for purpose according to the manufacturer's specifications.

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