
Major transport incident response for tourism organisations | Business Queensland

Major transport incident response for tourism organisations

This section provides key steps and messaging to help potential transport incidents such as major vehicle accidents or a bridge collapse resulting in mass injuries and deaths to visitors.

Lead agencies

  • Local police
  • Regional tourism organisation (RTO)
  • Local tourism organisation (LTO)
  • Queensland Police Service (QPS)
  • Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ)
  • Department of Tourism and Sport (DTS)

Key steps to take

  • Check incident facts:
    • what, where, when, who and how impacted, what can/can’t say publicly with lead agency.
  • Brief CEO, Chair and staff.
  • Brief recovery network – DTS/TEQ/QTIC.
  • Agree response, messaging and RTO role with lead agency, relevant tourism operator and TEQ.
  • Prepare messaging:
    • aiming to minimise impact on tourism by emphasising how many people safely visit the region and demonstrating how responsible industry is
    • keep comments to essential key messages.
  • Ensure reception/call centre/visitor centre staff have messaging regarding the incident to respond to direct queries.
  • Contact tourism operators, local tourism organisations and visitor centres re media and visitor messaging if appropriate.
  • Monitor media and log enquiries:
    • refer emergency related queries to lead agency.
  • Brief key tourism industry spokesperson with key messaging.
  • Respond to tourism related media queries.
  • If appropriate, revise/suspend scheduled social media and advertising campaigns.
  • Provide updates when transport access is open or operations are back to normal.
  • Seek lead agency updates on incident status.
  • Liaise with recovery network – DTS/TEQ/QTIC.
  • Contact impacted operators to provide assistance and share agreed messaging.
  • Implement initial recovery messaging – social media, website and advertising as required.
  • Issue media release, interviews to advise when access is restored if appropriate.
  • Coordinate and implement recovery campaign with TEQ if required.
  • Evaluate what worked and what didn’t.
  • Update crisis toolkit.

Messaging to use for major transport incidents

  • Our priority is allowing emergency services and authorities to do their job to ensure people and property are safe.
  • We are working closely with the relevant authorities to ensure the safety of our (staff, customers and/or guests).
  • This incident is isolated to (location) and everything is being done to ensure the safety of people in the area and to minimise disruption to travel plans in the region.
  • For information regarding road closures and access to the region check ABC local radiolocal councils disaster dashboard or QLDTraffic (e.g. closed roads, alternate routes, airport closures, port closures).
  • For information about travel arrangements please contact your transport provider directly.
  • We would like to thank the authorities for ensuring it is safe to return to our region.
  • Local roads, transport networks are now open, and our region is ready to welcome visitors back.
  • If you would like to find out more about the many amazing attractions in our area, please visit (insert website).

Tourism crisis communication toolkit

Download the Tourism crisis communication toolkit for regional tourism organisations (PDF, 8MB).

This toolkit has been jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) for regional tourism organisations.