
Developing tours, attractions and experiences | Business Queensland

Developing tours, attractions and experiences

New tourism experiences can help attract new customers and bring back old ones. Find out how your tourism business can deliver world-class visitor experiences.

Market research

Find a wealth of market research and information to help your business plan and develop a new tourism experience:

Product development tools and guidelines

Use this information to help you craft an experience that will keep visitors coming back and telling others.

Developing WOW tourism experiences

TEQ provides resources for Queensland tourism businesses to deliver world-class visitor experiences, including the storytelling manual and supporting videos, learning modules and video series created in partnership with Griffith University.

Accessible and inclusive tourism

Providing tourism experiences that are accessible for all presents a significant growth opportunity to reach a large and increasing market. Read about how you can make your business more accessible and inclusive.

Next generation tourism planning

View the guidelines for planning tourism projects from small-scale farmstays to international resort complexes and everything in between. This framework is used by local governments when considering tourism proposals.

Ecotourism planning toolkit

The Queensland Ecotourism Development Toolkit is designed to help navigate planning and environmental regulatory and native title processes when developing ecotourism products and experiences in Queensland.

Licences and permits

Find out what licences and permits you need for the services you offer and where you operate. Check which:


Gaining accreditation for your tour, attraction or experience is an essential part of your business. Businesses endorsed by tourism accreditation programs benefit from increased credibility, visibility and competitiveness.

Also consider...

  • Find out if there are grants available to support the development of your tourism experience.