
Benefits of liquor accords - video transcript | Business Queensland

Benefits of liquor accords - video transcript

This is a video of the following people explaining the benefits of joining a liquor accord:

  • Janet Persal, chairperson of Hervey Bay Liquor Accord
  • Paul Garnham, chairperson of Cairns City Licensee Safety Association
  • Arthur McMahon, president of Townsville Liquor Accord.

[Opening frame—Image of a liquor accord meeting with the words 'Join your local liquor accord' on a banner at the top.]

[We see Janet, dressed in a grey polo-shirt, with her dark hair in a ponytail, seated inside with a bar behind her.]


I definitely recommend joining a liquor accord. I've found it a really supportive network of people.

[We see Paul, standing outside with a bag over his shoulder, looking around a street. Then we see Paul, seated inside a hotel, with a bar behind him. He has grey hair and is wearing a white shirt with a blue floral pattern. He's looking slightly up and to the left.]


Definitely encourage people to join a liquor accord, or if they haven't got a liquor accord, maybe get together and talk about getting one started.

[We see Arthur wearing a black shirt and seated outside on a deck with bushland and tables and chairs behind him. He's looking off to the left. The background is blurred out.]


You should join a liquor accord, and also, being a member of a liquor accord, it shows a purpose.

[We see Janet, standing outside with her sunglasses on, looking around. It's a sunny day. The image cuts back to an indoor shot of Janet in front of the bar. Then it cuts back to her outside again, looking into the distance. You can see the ocean and a pier behind her. Then we see Janet standing at a cash register behind a bar with another staff member. Then she's seated inside, in front of the bar. And then she's typing on a computer. And then we see her seated, in front of the bar again, looking off to the right.]


I was motivated to join mainly because I wanted to be part of the community input into making our venues a lot safer. And being a member of the liquor accord has been really rewarding. It's given me a chance to network with other venue managers, the community and police and liquor licensing, and all get on the same page of where we want to be.

[We see Paul standing inside the hotel with paperwork in his hand, talking to a staff member. This image cuts to him seated and then it cuts back to him standing and talking with the staff member again.]


I think it's good for licensees to get together, talk about local issues, come up with good ideas and keep their area safe for everybody to enjoy.

[We see Arthur walking along a pathway, past a courtesy bus, outside the Riverview Tavern. This image cuts to him seated on the balcony. Then we see him walking past some kids game machines full of stuffed toys. Then he walks into the bar and leans over it, talking to a bar tender. He's holding some paperwork and they appear to be speaking about that. Then the image cuts to a cyclist riding past a balcony at the back of the hotel.]


We started with 4 venues. We have grown to 21. Our liquor accord compiled a banning notice, that if we had a few undesirables coming into different venues and they weren't happy, we could get together and put a banning notice out and ban them for, say, 6 months, 5 months, or even 12 months. Not from 1 venue, from the whole 21 venues that are associated with the accord.

[We see Paul standing inside the hotel, with paperwork in his hand, talking to a staff member. This cuts to him seated and then cuts to him leaning over the bar completing some paperwork.]


Training is very important, so we need to make people understand what their responsibilities are, certainly not just in the venue, but certainly in and around. And again, it's another thing we focus on through the liquor accord. So, making sure we've got that safe environment in and around our premises.

[We see Janet, seated inside with the bar behind her. Then we see her walking into and through the hotel. She walks behind the bar and over to a bar tender who is pouring a beer. She's smiling and they're talking. The image cuts back to her seated and then cuts to her standing and speaking with the bar tender near the till.]


I think the 3 main achievements for our liquor accord in Harvey Bay is to support each other in creating safe venues for our patrons, as well as creating a good communication channel, so we can communicate really clearly about any issues we're having in the community. And thirdly, yes, just supporting the community and keeping it safe for everybody.

[We see the silhouettes of 2 people leaning on a pier rail with the sun setting behind them and cyclists riding by behind.]

[Closing frame—Image of a liquor accord meeting with the words 'Join your local liquor accord' on a banner at the top.]

Watch the benefits of joining a liquor accord video.