
Rapid intoxication signage for licensed venues | Business Queensland

Rapid intoxication signage for licensed venues

Download and display signage to show your patrons what is acceptable regarding rapid intoxication drinks at your licensed venue.

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No rapid intoxication drinks, including shots, after 12am. $16,130.

No rapid intoxication drinks after 12am:

From 1 July 2016, after midnight in all Queensland venues:

  • No sale of shooters, shots, bombs and blasters or any drink designed for rapid consumption or drinks containing more than 45ml of alcohol (examples included).
  • No pre-mixed alcoholic drinks over 5% and containing more ethanol than 2 standard drinks (examples included).
  • Yes to sale of up to 45ml of a spirit or liqueur in a tall glass with, or without, a mixer (examples included).
  • Yes to sale of wine, beer and cider.
  • Yes to sale of cocktails if listed on menu with set price (example included).

Examples of rapid-intoxication drinks banned after midnight:

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