
Penalties for allowing unduly intoxicated patrons to obtain or consume alcohol | Business Queensland

Penalties for allowing unduly intoxicated patrons to obtain or consume alcohol

Under the Liquor Act 1992, it is an offence to sell or supply liquor to an unduly intoxicated person. It is also an offence to allow unduly intoxicated persons to consume liquor on licensed premises.

If you observe a customer is buying drinks for an unduly intoxicated friend, advise them it is against the law for them to supply that friend with alcohol. Friends who supply liquor to an unduly intoxicated person can face heavy fines, along with the licensee or staff for allowing it to happen.

The penalties listed below are current as at 1 July. The values change each year on this date.

Penalties for licensed venue staff and employers


Supplying alcohol to an unduly intoxicated person

$80,650 for the licensee, permit holder or approved manager

$12,904 for any other person

Allowing the supply of alcohol to an unduly intoxicated person

Allowing an unduly intoxicated person to consume alcohol

Read more about penalties for irresponsible service of alcohol.

Penalties for patrons

Penalties apply for the patron too, so by removing them from the premises you are doing them a favour!


Drunk person on licensed premises


Unduly intoxicated person refusing to leave a licensed premises


Unduly intoxicated person attempting to enter a licensed premises after being refused entry