
Transcript: Nice Family video | Business Queensland

Transcript: Nice Family video

Watch the Follow the Law RSA campaign - The Nice Family video to understand more about minors and the responsible service of alcohol.

[Voice over]

This is the Nice Family. They're from Nice, in France.

Mr Nice, Mrs Nice and their Niece.

They're into nice food, nice wine and being nice.

[Mr Nice]


[Voice over]

At the Nice house the whole Nice family, drink nice wine nightly with their nice dinners.

But when they go out for dinner …


It would be nice if she waited until she was 18 as it's illegal.

[Mr Nice]





Whether they're just too cool,

or just a bit of a fool.

They've had too much to drink,

or just causing a stink.

They've no ID and underage,

or skolling a thousand flaming grenades.

It's responsible service that we're aiming for, so it's up to you to follow the law.

Watch the Follow the Law RSA campaign - The Nice Family video.