
The warning signs—video transcript | Business Queensland

The warning signs—video transcript

In this High stakes responsible service of gambling (RSG) interactive training video—The warning signs, we show you how to identify if a patron is at risk of gambling harm.

[Music plays as a staff member stores her bag in a pigeon-hole and walks into the venue opening the door for another male staff member off-camera.]

[Male staff member's voiceover]


[Seen from the male staff member's perspective, the member walks around the gaming area of the venue, collecting coin cups and glasses from various patrons. At different times she sees the same patron sitting at the same gaming machine.]

[Staff member]

Here, I'll take that. Thank you!

[The patron approaches another patron who is sitting at 'his' machine and has just won a payout.]


No, no, no, no, no!

[Staff member's inner voice]

What's going on here?


Oh, that's my win! I've been feeding this machine for days.

[Staff member's inner voice]

Oh, no, here we go...


This is my machine, my win. He's seen me here! Just ask him!

[Video action freezes and these questions appear on screen: How did we get here? Were there warning signs? What could you have done differently?]

[The video rewinds to an earlier time—'two days ago' appears on screen. The staff member sees the patron at the same machine.]

[Staff member's inner voice]

Geez, that guy's keen! It's after 3 and he's still at the same machine.

[The staff member collects glass from another patron.]

[Staff member]


[The staff member sees the patron again and checks his watch.]

[Video action freezes and this question appears on screen: What did you see? Pause button appears to allow time for group discussion.]

[Staff member's inner voice]

He's been at that machine all day. He was here a couple of days ago too.

[The video cuts to a day later—'yesterday' appears on screen.]

[The patron is getting money out of the ATM and almost bumps into the staff member as he leaves that area of the venue and returns to the poker machines.]

[Staff member]

Oh! Sorry!

[The scene changes and the staff member collects a glass from another patron.]

Here, let me grab that for you. Thanks!

[The staff member sees the patron coming back from the ATM again.]

[Staff member's inner voice]

That's at least the third time he's been to the ATM today. I don't know his situation, but something's not feeling right. I should have a chat with him and see if he's ok.

[Staff member]

Hi mate, how's your day going?


I'd be better if you reset my machine for me mate. The only thing paying out in this place is the ATM!

At least I've paid your wages for the week, ey!

[Video action freezes and this question appears on screen: What did you notice? Pause button appears to allow time for group discussion.]

[Staff member's inner voice]

Now, he might just be joking but he could also be at risk. I need to keep an eye on him.

[The video cuts to the next day—'today' appears on screen.]

[The staff member repeats the original scene, entering the venue for work and collecting cups.]

[Staff member]


[The staff member sees the patron at the same machine.]

[Staff member's inner voice]

That guy's back again and he was here till close last night.

[The patron leans over to the patron at the next machine.]


Hey, do you mind if I have a couple dollars?

[Other patron]

I'm on my last 5 sorry.


Pay out damn you!

[Patron furiously pushes poker machine buttons.]

[Video action freezes and these questions appear on screen: What do you do? Pause button appears to allow time for group discussion.]

[Staff member's inner voice]

Alright, this guy looks like he might be at risk of gambling harm. A lot of the signs are there. He's also starting to impact other patrons. I need to do something.

[Staff member]

Hey, excuse me, is everything OK mate? Maybe you want to take a breather.

How about you come with me and I'll sort out a tea or coffee for you? And, while I'm at it, I'll get someone you can have a chat with, too.

[The scene fades to black as the messages 'Be aware', 'Know your role' and 'Know your options' appear on screen. Next frame states: for more information visit: Video ends on Queensland Government logo.]

Watch the High stakes RSG interactive training video—The warning signs.