
The right help—video transcript | Business Queensland

The right help—video transcript

In this High stakes responsible service of gambling (RSG) interactive training video—The right help, the venue's customer liaison officer (CLO), Steph, speaks to the patron's wife, Anne, about what the venue can do to support her and her husband.

[Seen from the CLO, Steph's perspective. She enters the venue, greeting another staff member as she walks through the kitchen area.]


Hey, Dave!

[Steph notices a responsible service of gambling poster on the wall as she moves through the dining area and into the bar where Jim's wife, Anne, is waiting.]


Hi, you must be Anne. Thanks for waiting for me. I'm Steph. So, my staff have filled me in. They said you came in looking for your husband.

[The video cuts to a scene from the previous video where Anne asks other patrons about her husband, Jim.]


Excuse me, have you seen my husband? He's tall, dark hair.

I think my husband was in here last night, were you in here last night?

[The video returns to the present scene.]


Yes. Your staff gave me a number to call, but I don't understand! I don't have a problem. I need you to stop my husband gambling.


I'd love to help but there's not much I can do. You have the number, that's the best place to start.

[Anne stands, frustrated.]


I told you, I don't have the problem. He does. And you need to make him stop.

[The scene pauses as Anne walks away. These statements/questions appear on screen: That's not a good start. What are your responsibilities? Could you have approached this differently? Pause button appears to allow time for group discussion.]

[Steph's inner voice]

She's obviously upset and looking for someone to talk to. I need to show a little more care.

[The video rewinds to the start of the conversation.]


Look, I can see you're upset, maybe we can get to the bottom of your husband's gambling. Let's start at the beginning.



My husband lost his job. I've been working extra shifts. I noticed money missing from our savings account. I don't know what to do! Do I leave him? I don't know!

[The scene pauses. Pause button appears to allow time for group discussion.]

[Steph's inner voice]

Hang on, I'm getting in way over my head! I don't have the skills to give her the support she needs. I want to acknowledge her feelings, but need to remember I am here to provide her with the right kind of help.

[The video rewinds to the start of the conversation.]


I'm sorry you're going through a hard time with your husband's gambling. There are a few options for you to consider.

The Gambling Help Line is free and a great place to start, as it isn't just for gamblers. They're here to help you, just as much as they're here to help your husband.


Oh, I didn't know that.


You could also check out the Gambling Help Queensland website. Now, in terms of what the venue can do next, we could consider banning your husband, but it would depend on the circumstances. Self-exclusion and active monitoring are other options that might be helpful.

If he's interested I can meet with him.

[The scene pauses.]

[Steph's inner voice]

It might help for her to speak to a Gambling Help Line counsellor. I should offer her a phone here.

[The scene resumes.]


Why don't you call the helpline right now? I can find you somewhere private. I'm sure they'll be able to help!

[The scene fades to black as these messages appear on screen: 'Be aware', 'Know your role' and 'Know your options'. Next frame states: for more information visit: Video ends on Queensland Government logo.]

Watch the High stakes RSG interactive training video—The right help.