
Compliance inspections compliance scenario video transcript | Business Queensland

Compliance inspections compliance scenario video transcript

Watch the Follow the Law campaign - Compliance inspections (compliance scenario) video to understand how compliance inspections work.


A compliance officer, wearing a checked shirt and glasses, appears in a licensed venue. He smiles as he observes everything looks in order. A guy is sitting at the bar as the bartender cleans glasses. The compliance officer shakes hands with the manager.

[Voice over]

A compliance officer has rocked up to this venue for a routine inspection. The inspector finds a glassy removing glasses.


A glassy appears and removes glasses.

[Voice over]

An alcoholic drink being swapped for a water.


The bartender does some fancy glass twirling as she disappears a beer and produces a glass of water.

[Voice over]

Clear fire safety areas, good lighting, documents in order.


A pile of documents appears in the manager's hand.

[Voice over]

A security guard asking for ID.


Security guard nods, looking tough in black glasses and a shirt that has security written across it.

[Voice over]

This licensee is clearly a fighter for truth and justice.


The manager is suddenly in a superman costume.

Watch the Follow the Law campaign - Compliance inspections (compliance scenario) video.