
CCTV and crowd controller non-compliance scenario - video transcript | Business Queensland

CCTV and crowd controller non-compliance scenario - video transcript

Watch the Follow the Law campaign - CCTV and crowd controllers (non-compliance scenario) video and learn from an example of a non-compliance situation.


Two guys, Tiny and Bluey, both in red t-shirts are in line to get into a venue.

[Voice over]

This is Tiny and Bluey. They're pretty tough guys. Stupid, but pretty tough. Tiny's taken offence that Bluey's wearing the same shirt.


Mate, that's my shirt!

[Voice over]

Typically, Tiny and Bluey will deal with this by punching on. You know a good old fashion scrap to impress the ladies!


Tiny and Bluey throw punches in a fist-flying frenzy. They knock over a table, spilling drinks on to the floor as other patrons and the bartender look shocked. A compliance officer and the licensee appear. The compliance officer looks unimpressed.

[Compliance officer]

Hey, what's going on here? I'll need to have a chat to your approved manager and review your CCTV footage.


The licensee looks sheepish as he lifts his hands to indicate he has no clue of what his responsibilities are in this situation.

[Voice over]

Unfortunately this licensee is not on top of his game.

Watch the Follow the Law campaign - CCTV and crowd controllers (non-compliance scenario) video.