
CCTV and crowd controller compliance scenario - video transcript | Business Queensland

CCTV and crowd controller compliance scenario - video transcript

Watch the Follow the Law campaign - CCTV and crowd controller (compliance scenario) video to understand more about complying with CCTV legislation for licensed venues.


Two guys, Tiny and Bluey, both in red t-shirts are in line to get into a venue.

[Voice over]

This is Tiny and Bluey. They're pretty tough guys. Stupid, but pretty tough. Tiny reckons Bluey's jumped the queue.


End of the line buddy!

[Voice over]

Typically, Tiny and Bluey will deal with this by punching on.


Tiny and Bluey throw punches in a fist-flying frenzy.

[Voice over]

You know a good old fashion scrap to impress the ladies!


The security guard stops them and the manager, a compliance officer and a police officer appear. The police officer hands them a ban notice, and the security guard and compliance officer make notes in their incident registers.

[Voice over]

Unlucky for Tiny and Bluey they won't be partying for a while because they've been banned from the safe night precinct.

[Compliance officer] Hey, what's going on here? I'll need to have a chat to your security staff and review your incident register and CCTV footage.


The licensee produces a USB with CCTV written on it.

[Voice over]

Lucky for this licensee he's followed the right procedure.

Watch the Follow the Law campaign - CCTV and crowd controller (compliance scenario) video.