
Penalties for illegal funny money nights | Business Queensland

Penalties for illegal funny money nights

An individual or business that owns, leases, manages, controls or maintains a place that hosts an unlawful 'funny money night' would be committing an offence under section 232 of the Criminal Code Act 1899. The maximum penalty for this offence is $96,780 (600 penalty units) or 3 years imprisonment.

Section 234 of the Act provides the simple offences for conducting and playing an unlawful game:

  • The maximum penalty for 'conducting' is $32,260 (200 penalty units).
  • The maximum penalty for 'playing' is $6,452 (40 penalty units).

Fines current as at 1 July. The values change each year on this date.

The Criminal Code Act is enforced by the Queensland Police Service. If you are in any doubt of what constitutes an unlawful game, you should obtain independent legal advice before conducting a funny money or casino night.

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