
Food innovation grants and support | Business Queensland

Food innovation grants and support

As a Queensland business you can access government incentives, world class research facilities and certification schemes to turn your new food idea or process into reality.

Your new food product may have to undergo testing to verify it is clean, safe and ethically produced. Regulations to protect consumers apply to organic food and genetically modified foods.

When developing new food technologies your business needs to comply with food safety and consumer protection laws.

Apply for grants and incentives

To help you commercialise your innovative food product, apply for government grants and incentives:

Learn more about other grants for innovation.

Access testing facilities

Queensland businesses that design and manufacture food and beverages can use the following Queensland Government research facilities to develop and test new products:

Our staff will work with you to:

  • conduct food process development and trials
  • develop product prototypes for market evaluation and research
  • reformulate products
  • understand and test the market for food and beverage products
  • optimise processing protocols, including post-harvest handling, storage conditions, packaging and production of value-added products.