
Commercial fisheries in Queensland | Business Queensland

Commercial fisheries in Queensland

Crab, line, net, eel, harvest and trawl commercial fisheries.


Crab fisheries

Mud crab, spanner crab, and blue swimmer crab industries in Queensland.

East coast inshore fishery

Fishery symbols, operating areas, reporting requirements and management arrangement.

Eel fisheries

Fishery symbols, operating areas and requirements for the commercial eel fisheries.

Harvest fisheries

Queensland's commercial harvest fisheries cover a wide range of species, taken from individually managed fisheries.

Line fisheries

Reef line, rocky reef, east coast Spanish mackerel and Gulf of Carpentaria line fishery.

Net fisheries

Ocean beach nets, Gulf of Carpentaria inshore line fishery, and east coast line fisheries.

Trawl fisheries

Otter trawl, fin fish, river and inshore beam trawl fisheries.

Charter fishing

Licencing and operating requirements for charter fishing operators in Queensland.