
Inspecting a flooded centre pivot (mains control box) - video transcript | Business Queensland

Inspecting a flooded centre pivot (mains control box) - video transcript

Pat Daley from Daley Water Services, and corn and cotton grower Nathan Bradley, describe how to inspect the mains control box of a flooded centre pivot in a case study video.

[Pat Daley from Daley Water Services]

Today we are going to run through what we should do to check over a centre pivot in the case of flood-prone areas... and this is where we will start here at the mains. You want to just explain about the centre pivot and how many spans it is...

[Nathan Bradley, cotton grower]

Right, it's a Valley 10 span machine that covers 84 hectares. This is the main power source here. So we will turn the main power off to the machine and then that isolates all the power which runs down under the ground into the centre power into the control box so now that that's off, everything is safe to have a look at.

[Pat Daley]

That's good. Have you got any idea of where the debris may have come to?

[Nathan Bradley]

Well, the water obviously didn't go over the motor here, it went over the tops of the motors on the pivot. As you can see around us the creek came around and gouged out here luckily. There was water underneath the main power source here, so I think I probably should get an electrician out to check the power source before we go any further because water would have gone down the conduit here so that's probably the first thing that I will get checked out before running the machine.

Watch the Inspecting a flooded centre pivot case study video.