
Ban on the use of electric prodders on horses | Business Queensland

Ban on the use of electric prodders on horses

Electric prodders cause horses unnecessary pain and distress.

The use of an electric prodder on a horse is an act of cruelty under section 18(2)(e) of the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001.

Significant penalties apply to individuals and corporations found using electric prodders on horses. Read more about penalties for cruelty.

Your responsibility when handling horses

Horse owners, racing industry organisations, trainers, breeders, livestock transporters and other people who own or work with horses must use humane approaches to effectively move stock under their care.

Care should be taken when moving horses due to their flight nature as certain actions may cause agitation, and can lead to crowding, falling and injuries.

Moving horses without using electric prodders

There are humane alternatives to electric prodders when moving a horse. You may choose to:

  • use flappers, backing boards, canes with flags attached, hand, arm or body of the stock handler
  • minimise distractions that may cause a horse to baulk or turn back
  • consider the configuration of collecting areas, races and ramps to make movement easy and minimise stress.

When moving a horse you must not use:

  • painful procedures, including punching, kicking, tail twisting, use of nose twitches*, pressure on eyes, ears or external genitalia
  • goads or other aids which cause pain and suffering, including large sticks, sticks with sharp ends, lengths of metal piping, fencing wire or heavy leather belts
  • excessive shouting or making loud noises (e.g. through the cracking of whips).

*Under certain circumstances, the use of a nose twitch to restrain a horse for the purpose of inspection or a procedure performed by a veterinarian may be appropriate.

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